How IFS is making a difference in training seafarers

IFS wants to make a difference in how seafarers are being trained. We say goodbye to boring and uninspiring lessons and we embrace technology as a way to make mandatory training courses engaging. We have developed a mobile app that is revolutionizing the way seafarers learn. It takes those lengthy and complex lessons, and it turns them into small, bite-sized content. Pair this with fun and immersive games and quizzes, and you have our IFS Coach! 
  • Mobile: All the learning can be done in the palm of your hand.
  • Tailored Content: Created for catering crew, including Chief Cooks, Stewards, and Camp Bosses.
  • Offline Learning: Access educational content without an internet connection.
  • Micro-Learning: Content is simplified and broken down into
  • Self-Paced: Learn at your own pace, anywhere, anytime.

Fun and Immersive

We believe that education should be an exciting journey, not a monotonous task. That’s why we implemented a variety of mobile games and quizzes, designed to reinforce learning in a playful, but effective, manner. This way, IFS Coach turns every learning session into an opportunity to play, explore, and, crucially, to learn.

Created with Seafarers in Mind

IFS Coach is designed to meet the unique needs of seafarers. Every feature and course is practical, straightforward, and based on the real-life experiences of maritime professionals. Maritime English is used throughout to ensure every seafarer, regardless of nationality, can easily understand the content.

Anytime, Anywhere

We know internet access can be inconsistent at sea. We overcame this challenge by adding an offline feature to our app. This way, the crew can learn uninterrupted, anytime and anywhere, and at their own pace.

Diverse and Relevant Content

The app provides a variety of courses specifically for the catering crew, with content that is directly applicable to their roles. Micro-courses on essential topics like food safety and allergens are designed to be both educational and easy to digest.

Blending knowledge with skills

While IFS Coach is a great tool for mobile learning, we understand the equal importance of hands-on, practical skills. That’s why we apply a blended learning approach in our training centers and on board. Next to theory, we put a lot of focus      on practical skills like cooking and baking, but also soft skills like attitude and leadership.

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