contact us

To get in touch with IFS (International Food Services), complete our contact form. The IFS team is constantly reviewing the messages to give you a timely and tailored response. Do you have a question about IFS or our services?Please fill out our contact form, and we will be in touch with you shortly. Are you looking for one of our colleagues? Find their contact details in our crew page.

International food services nv

Bredabaan 5692170 MerksemBELGIUMT +32 3 219 88 15

International Food Services Singapore Pte. Ltd

150 Cecil Street #11-01069543 SingaporeSINGAPORET +65 6221 8775

IFSPH Representative Office

Kamaya Pt. Brgy. Alas-asinMariveles, Bataan 2105PHILIPPINEST (+63) 47 237 3355 (extension 4044)

International Food Services PL SP Z O.O.

Słowiańska 11a,67-200 GłogówPOLAND

IFS Soluções de Aprovisonamento LDA

Rua Francisco Castelo Branco nº1 – 1-ACoqueiros Living, LuandaANGOLAT +244 923 590 636

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