Stock Management in Maritime Catering

Implementing a robust stock management system is the backbone of an operational galley. Given the long-haul nature of sea-going vessels, self-reliance is paramount. Chief cooks and captains often have to plan across different geographical locations and cultural preferences to ensure that the right products are available in the right quantities at all times. Poor planning can result in either a shortage or an excess of provisions, neither of which is ideal. The stock-taking process entails enumerating the provisions left onboard. 

The importance of efficient inventory management:
  • Structuring a seamless purchase cycle
  • Waste reduction
  • Real-time updates on the depletion of provisions.
  • Ensuring cost control 
  • Analyzing consumption patterns to advise on the preparation of the right mix of food.

With the IFS Vessel Interface (IVI) tool, digital inventory management is a whole lot easier. With this tool, digital inventory management has been thoroughly optimized, making it a distinctive tool in the market.The IFS food monitoring system registers consumption accurately. The system monitors quantities, nutritional values, and costs.

Inventory management best practices include:  
  • First Expired, First  Out (FEFO) Approach
This food rotation system ensures that products are used according to their expiration date, ensuring the safety of their consumption. Products with an earlier expiration date are placed at the front of the shelf to be consumed first. 
  • Categorization and organization 
Organizing products based on their seasonality, storage requirements, and frequency of usage. This helps to prolong the shelf life of stored provisions. 
  • Cleanliness and Temperature Control in Stores
Each store has a stipulated ideal temperature. For example, meat and fish stored in the freezers should remain at -18 degrees Celsius. On the other hand, vegetables and dairy are preserved at +4 degrees to prolong their freshness.Chief cooks need to regularly monitor the temperatures of stores to ensure they remain at the correct settings. 
  • Forecasting and planning
IFS chief cooks utilize historical data to predict demand and consumption onboard. Other variables include trip duration, route changes, crew needs, and seasonal trends. 
  • Tailored and multi-cultural recipes:
The IFS cooking app contains tons of multicultural recipes that our Chief cooks can utilize in the galley. Through the cooking app, chief cooks can calculate up to the gram. This guarantees the crew onboard a healthier and sufficient intake of food, avoiding waste. IFS offers a unique cloud-based software that tracks stock and food consumption onboard. The software provides updates on inventory levels, consumption patterns, and budgets.

To discuss how your company can  benefit from our expertise in maritime catering, get in touch with us at