International Food Services (IFS) has kickstarted in the Philippines its annual period of training for Chief Cooks and galley crews, for clients. IFS had a successful 2023 in terms of training, by providing capacitation to a record number of trainees. As a new year's resolution for 2024, the aim is to surpass last year's success. This article offers an inside look at our training center in the Philippines as we prepare for the new year. General Manager Joshua Albert Gabor explains its activities and operations.
Our team kicked off the year with an online meeting. The focus was on enhancing our training courses and preparing for the upcoming year.
Next, the training center got a deep cleaning. We started by setting the right example – a good, thorough cleaning of the office, classroom, and most importantly, the galley. We wanted everything to be spotless, showing our trainees the high standard we uphold.
We stocked up on healthy, balanced, and diverse food items for our trainees' menu. All materials and equipment were set up in advance, ready for this year's first batch of trainees.
Our training calendar commenced on January 7. Upon the trainees' arrival, we immediately started our first training sessions. We held two key sessions for our trainees. The first was a detailed orientation. The second session focused on safety familiarization, particularly in the galley.
As we move into 2024, our focus is to maintain our commitment to quality training and to continue teaching the IFS system with passion.